The one and only

Nero Nightfire

"Go on... take a picture. It lasts longer."

First things first... who the fXck is this guy?

At a Glance

"Move over, hot shot; there's a new champ in town."

Nero is, in essence, a nuisance; he's always somewhere you don't want him to be. He's the rival you never asked for; the nemesis who shows up whenever it's most inconvenient.If you've met him before, you've probably either punched him in the face, or sincerely thought about it; if you haven't, then CONGRATULATIONS! You're officially one of his biggest fans!Nero is, rather consistently, the loudest personality in the room; he may not diversify his wardrobe all that much - ink blue and metallic brass dye never goes out of style, as far as he's concerned - but he knows how to make an entrance, steal the spotlight, and go out with a bang. If you wanna sway the crowd, then you'd better be ready to throw hands, because Nero doesn't play nice.

All right, but... who is he? Like, seriously?

Simple stats

"Man, I tell ya... the line of people tryin' to take me down just ain't long enough."

Age: 24
Gender: Cis male
Orientation: Undisclosed
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 130lbs.

STRENGTHAbove average; verges on superhuman.
DEXTERIXTYAbove average; verges on superhuman.
CONSTITUTIONAbove average; verges on superhuman. Well-known for surviving multiple near-fatal incidents.
INTELIGENCEBelow average; in his own words, books are for nerds.
WISDOMAverage; sharp enough to know when he's pissed someone off, though not necessarily sharp enough to know better.
CHARISMAAbove average; the driving force behind his ability to manipulate his own aether.

Why would I wanna deal with this guy, anyways?


"A guy like me doesn't just hang around for your benefit, pal. Better gimme a reason to stay, if you expect to keep me on hand..."

  • You got a job that needs doing? Great! Is it quick, dirty, and involves cracking skulls? Even better! Pay the man for a beatdown, and you'll get your money's worth.

  • Political intrigue? Hard pass... unless it involves Hingashi. Talk loud enough about the Far East - specifically its feudal lords or otherwise opposing factions - in his general vicinity, and he may ask you to say more... or less.

  • Call him a pretty boy. To his face. It's a great way to get his attention with zero repercussions whatsoever; what's the worst that could happen?

Jeez... how do I avoid this guy?

Where to find him

"Why do you wanna know, anyways? Didn't realise I had a superfan lurkin' in the shadows..."

Currently, Nero Nightfire is active almost exclusively in Kugane; until such time as this section is updated, you are unlikely to find him elsewhere, except in cases where his personal business drags him back to Eorzea.

  • Fighting venues. When he's not busy making problems for honest, upstanding folks, he's usually in the pits, breaking bones and popping jaws. Outside of bar fights, these are the only times you'll see him fight with gloves on.

  • High-end events. On the rare occasion that Nero dresses in his Sunday best, it's almost exclusively for the sake of maintaining some air of nobility. Maybe you caught him at a ballroom dance? Political function? That's great; forget you saw him.

  • Just passing by. Nero explores Eorzea quite a bit; more often than not, Nero can be found perusing the wares in Ul'dah's Sapphire Avenue Exchange, or Limsa Lominsa's Hawker's Alley. He can also often be found skulking around the docks of Limsa Lominsa, as well as the docks of Kugane. Why? Well, feel free to ask him yourself...

Congrats, you found the 4th wall!


Hello! I go by Stained Glass Heart, though you can simply refer to me as Glass.Below are some ground rules for interacting/role-playing through Final Fantasy XIV, be it in group or one-on-one scenarios:

  • You must be 21+ to interact with me or my characters. No minors allowed, for any reason; if I find you to be lying about your age past the point of simply exchanging greetings, you're gone.

  • OOC ≠ IC. Sometimes frustrations bleed over from one to the other, and though I understand that it happens, I would prefer it doesn't happen consistently. If OOC stuff constantly bleeds over into IC interactions (and/or vice versa) I am liable to drop you altogether.

  • I will tolerate zero bigotry. If I catch you being fantasy racist just for the sake of being racist, I'm gone. The same goes for ableism, antisemitism, sinophobia, transphobes/homophobes... the list goes on. And yes, that includes thinly-veiled fascists masquerading as Garlean roleplayers. I know who you are.

  • Communicate with me. I don't mind if you pick a fight with Nero, subject him to some IC harassment, etc. - just please, please tell me before you commit. I like to be forewarned of things in advance, and I always do my best to return the favour.

  • Nero is not skin-deep. He may be an alt, but he is very thoroughly fleshed out; he has a backstory, goals, friends, enemies, et cetera. Just because he is portrayed as a humanoid punching bag, does not mean I have no attachment to him.

  • The final segment of this Carrd is reserved for heavier topics pertaining to Nero's history and personal experiences; you are not required to read this section, but I heavily recommend you do.

And there you have it. Thank you for reading this far; you are free to contact me in-game at any time, be it through Nero himself, my main account (Vaughn Cavanaux) or any of my other active alts you may come across.Directly below this are some handy buttons! Among them are my Twitter and Blue Sky accounts, where I scream into the void about FFXIV, OC brain worms, trans rights, and systemic oppression. Both of them MAY CONTAIN NSFW - you have been warned.


"Didn't I tell you to keep outta my business?"

The following section contains backstory spoilers and content warning-worthy subjects. Scroll on only if you feel comfortable diving into Nero's not-so-cheery history, and pay attention to the following content warnings.The following section contains...

  • Elements of sexual assault and bodily mutilation.

  • Elements of deep-seated gender/body dysphoria.

  • Blood, violence, and lore-bending personal history.

  • General elements of fatherless behaviour.

Ba-donk. Nothin' to see here (yet) :)